; docformat = 'rst' ;============================================================================== ;+ ; ; User Installation Guide ; ======================= ; ; This guide will cover the installation of OMINAS and common issues with ; configuration, as well as present some common errors and possible ; solutions. Please see the section entitled `Troubleshooting` for more ; information regarding installation issues with OMINAS. ; ; Requirements ; ============ ; ; Currently OMINAS requires IDL 8.2.3 or above, and a bash shell, on Linux or ; Mac OS. ; ; To process images from a particular mission, that mission's kernels will ; need to be available. The OMINAS installer can automatically download sets of ; kernels for several missions (Cassini, Galileo, Voyager, Dawn). ; ; OMINAS makes use of the NAIF Icy Toolkit to process SPICE kernels. The Icy ; toolkit may optionally be obtained manually from ; `NAIF <https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/toolkit_IDL.html>`. However, the ; installer utility provided with OMINAS can download and compile Icy ; automatically. Installation of Icy is somewhat platform-dependent, so ; troubleshooting information can be found in `Troubleshooting`. ; ; Procedure ; ========= ; ; 1. Please ensure that OMINAS has been properly downloaded from the ; `Github repository <https://github.com/ppenteado/ominas>` by entering ; the following command at the terminal:: ; ; git clone https://github.com/ppenteado/ominas ; ; A local copy of the OMINAS source will be cloned automatically. ; ; 2. Configuration of OMINAS should be performed using the configuration ; script, configure.sh, which is located in the top-level ominas directory. ; This script can be run from the command line with:: ; ; source configure.sh ; ; 3. A prompt will appear asking which packages should be installed. The ; user should type the numbers of the desired packages separated by spaces. ; We recomend, at a minimum, setting up packages 1, 2 and 3 (OMINAS Core, Demo and Icy). ; To automatically download and setup all the packages, use the `all` option. ; ; 4. When setting up an individual kernel or data package (selections 4-13), ; one can either provide a path for an existing directory containing the required files, ; or tell the installer to download them. ; ; 5. Test the install of OMINAS has been completed correctly by running the ; the following example scripts:: ; ; ominas saturn_example.pro ; ominas jupiter_example.pro ; ; 6. A successful Icy installation can be tested with the following IDL ; command from within an OMINAS IDL session:: ; ; help, 'icy', /dlm ; ; Some text on the installed version of Icy should be displayed. Additionally, ; use the following command:: ; ; print, cspice_tkvrsn('TOOLKIT') ; ; The version of Icy should be printed. If both of these functions return ; successfully, then Icy has been installed correctly. ; ; ; Example installation walkthrough ; ================================ ; ; From a fresh account (that never had OMINAS, Icy or any IDL libraries setup ; before), for the 3 main packages (Core, Demo and Icy):: ; ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ~]$ git clone https://github.com/ppenteado/ominas.git ; ;Cloning into 'ominas'... ; ;Username for 'https://github.com': ppenteado ; ;Password for 'https://ppenteado@github.com': ; ;remote: Counting objects: 13377, done. ; ;remote: Compressing objects: 100% (85/85), done. ; ;remote: Total 13377 (delta 51), reused 71 (delta 34), pack-reused 13258 ; ;Receiving objects: 100% (13377/13377), 200.48 MiB | 8.10 MiB/s, done. ; ;Resolving deltas: 100% (7628/7628), done. ; ;Checking connectivity... done. ; ;Checking out files: 100% (3479/3479), done. ; ; At this point, a copy of OMINAS will be in a newly-created directory called ; ominas, under the current directory. Note that if a non-empty ominas directory ; was already present, git would notice it and refuse to download OMINAS into that ; directory. ; ; Now, getting into the ominas directory and running the installer:: ; ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ~]$ cd ominas/ ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ source configure.sh ; ;Detecting .bash_profile... ; ;.bash_profile detected! ; ;Detecting .bashrc... ; ;.bashrc detected! ; ;Using IDL at /usr/local/bin/idl ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ; ; ;Creating ~/.ominas directory ; ;Creating ~/ominas_data directory ; ;The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS ; ;OMINAS files located in /home/ominas_test_8/ominas ; ; ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ; ; ;% Compiled module: OMINAS_ICY_TEST. ; ;Icy: Icy not found ; ;Current OMINAS configuration settings ; ;Required: ; ;1) OMINAS Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one ; ;of the other packages, this will be included. ; ;Optional packages: ; ;2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Contains the demo scripts and the data required ; ;to run then. ; ;These files are always present (in ominas/demo), ; ;this option is to set up the environment so that ; ;the demos can be run. ; ;3) SPICE Icy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary ; ;Information Facility, https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/toolkit.html, ; ;required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files. ; ; ; ;Mission Packages: ; ;Kernels used for each mission's position and ; ;pointing data. If you do not already have them, ; ;an option to download them from PDS will be provided. ; ;If you already have them, you will need to provide ; ;the path to your kernel files. ; ;Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional ; ;data packages) are not required for the missions, they ; ;already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel ; ;files they need. ; ;4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016 ; ;5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 833 MB as of Dec/2016 ; ;6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 163 MB as of Dec/2016 ; ;7) Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Subsetted, about 8 GB as of Jan/2017 ; ;Data: ; ;8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 22 GB as of Dec/2016 ; ;9) SEDR image data . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;10) TYCHO2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked ; ;11) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 19 MB download, 70 MB unpacked ; ;12) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;13) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 8.5 GB download ; ;For more information, see ; ;https://ppenteado.github.io/ominas_doc/demo/install_guide.html ; ;Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? 1 2 3 ; ;Settiing OMINAS Core... ; ;OMINAS requires the NAIF Icy toolkit to process SPICE kernels. ; ;Would you like to install Icy from the internet now? [y] ; ;http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit//IDL/PC_Linux_GCC_IDL8.x_64bit/packages/icy.tar.Z ~/ominas_data/icy.tar.Z ; ;http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit//IDL/PC_Linux_GCC_IDL8.x_64bit/packages/icy.tar.Z --localdir=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/ ; ; ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ; ; ;% Compiled module: PP_WGETCL. ; ;% Compiled module: PP_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS_PARSE. ; ;% Loaded DLM: URL. ; ;% Compiled module: PP_WGET__DEFINE. ; ;util/downloader/ca-bundle.crt ; ;% Compiled module: PARSE_URL. ; ;downloading http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit//IDL/PC_Linux_GCC_IDL8.x_64bit/packages/icy.tar.Z ; ;% Compiled module: PP_READABLESIZE. ; ;Content Length: 276.00000 B ; ;% Compiled module: PP_PARSE_DATE. ; ;% Compiled module: JULDAY. ; ;Content Length: 43.669736 MB ; ;% Compiled module: CALDAT. ; ;Extracting Icy source files... ; ;Compiling Icy... ; ;Icy compiled. Log is at ~/.ominas/icy_make.log ; ;writing /home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas_setup.sh ; ;‘/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas_setup.sh’ -> ‘/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas_setup_old.sh’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;done with writing /home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas_setup.sh ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ; ; ;% Compiled module: OMINAS_PATHS_ADD. ; ;Checking to see if IDL paths need to be changed... ; ;% Compiled module: IDLASTRO_DOWNLOAD. ; ;% Compiled module: ROUTINE_EXISTS. ; ;There are missing IDLAstro routines. ; ;Auto installing ; ;git clone https://github.com/wlandsman/IDLAstro.git /home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro ; ;Cloning into '/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro'... ; ;remote: Counting objects: 1400, done. ; ;remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done. ; ;remote: Total 1400 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 1392 ; ;Receiving objects: 100% (1400/1400), 11.63 MiB | 4.85 MiB/s, done. ; ;Resolving deltas: 100% (556/556), done. ; ;Checking connectivity... done. ; ;IDLAstro path set in preferences: <IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro/pro ; ;OMINAS paths set in IDL preferences ; ;Icy path set in IDL preferences ; ;OMINAS aliase set in /home/ominas_test_8/.bashrc. ; ;OMINAS aliase set in /home/ominas_test_8/.bash_profile. ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: 5502667. ; ;Licensed for use by: NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; ; ; ;% Compiled module: OMINAS_ICY_TEST. ; ;% Loaded DLM: ICY. ; ;Icy: /home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib/icy.so ; ;Current OMINAS configuration settings ; ;Required: ; ;1) OMINAS Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED ; ;Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one ; ;of the other packages, this will be included. ; ;Optional packages: ; ;2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED ; ;Contains the demo scripts and the data required ; ;to run then. ; ;These files are always present (in ominas/demo), ; ;this option is to set up the environment so that ; ;the demos can be run. ; ;3) SPICE Icy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED ; ;Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary ; ;Information Facility, https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/toolkit.html, ; ;required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files. ; ; ; ;Mission Packages: ; ;Kernels used for each mission's position and ; ;pointing data. If you do not already have them, ; ;an option to download them from PDS will be provided. ; ;If you already have them, you will need to provide ; ;the path to your kernel files. ; ;Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional ; ;data packages) are not required for the missions, they ; ;already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel ; ;files they need. ; ;4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016 ; ;5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 833 MB as of Dec/2016 ; ;6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 163 MB as of Dec/2016 ; ;7) Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;Subsetted, about 8 GB as of Jan/2017 ; ;Data: ; ;8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 22 GB as of Dec/2016 ; ;9) SEDR image data . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;10) TYCHO2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked ; ;11) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 19 MB download, 70 MB unpacked ; ;12) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;13) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ; ;About 8.5 GB download ; ;For more information, see ; ;https://ppenteado.github.io/ominas_doc/demo/install_guide.html ; ;Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? e ; ;Setup has completed. It is recommended to restart your terminal session before using OMINAS. ; ;You may want to try some of the tutorials at https://ppenteado.github.io/ominas_doc/demo/ ; ; ; At this point, one can run a few tests of the enviroment:: ; ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ which ominas ; ;alias ominas='/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas' ; ;~/.ominas/ominas ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ which ominasde ; ;alias ominasde='/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominasde' ; ;~/.ominas/ominasde ; ; Which shows both ominas and ominasde are defined. Use ominas to start and IDL ; session in which to use OMINAS, and ominasde to start an IDL DE session in ; which to use OMINAS. ; ; Now, to check on the ominas_setup file, which sets the environment for the OMINAS ; core and all currently set packages (in this example, only Core, Demo and Icy are set):: ; ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ cat ~/.ominas/ominas_setup.sh ; ;#!/usr/bin/env bash ; ;alias ominas=~/.ominas/ominas ; ;alias ominasde=~/.ominas/ominasde ; ;export OMINAS_DIR=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas ; ;export DFLAG=true ; ;source /home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/ominas_env_def.sh ; ;unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA ; ;unset NV_SEDR_DATA ; ;unset NV_TYCHO2_DATA ; ;unset NV_SAO_DATA ; ;unset NV_GSC_DATA ; ;unset NV_UCAC4_DATA ; ; Now, to check that the right environment is see from an OMINAS session:: ; ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'spawn,"env | grep NV"' ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ; ; ;NV_TRANSLATORS=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/translators.tab:/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/demo/data/translators.tab ; ;NV_CONFIG=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config ; ;NV_IO=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/io.tab ; ;NV_SPICE=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/spice ; ;NV_ORBIT_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/orb/ ; ;NV_ARRAY_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/arr/dat/ ; ;NV_TRANSFORMS=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/transforms.tab:/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/demo/data/transforms.tab ; ;NV_STATION_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/stn/ ; ;NV_RING_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/rings/ ; ;NV_FTP_DETECT=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/filetype_detectors.tab ; ;NV_SPICE_KER=::/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/demo/data ; ;NV_INS_DETECT=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/instrument_detectors.tab:/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/demo/data/instrument_detectors.tab ; ; Now, to check that the OMINAS paths show up inside an OMINAS IDL session:: ; ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'print,pref_get("IDL_PATH")' ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ; ; ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro/pro:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/util/xidl ; ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'print,pref_get("IDL_DLM_PATH")' ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ; ; ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib ; ; With this environment, one can run some demo scripts, such as:: ; ; ;ominas saturn_example ; ;ominas jupiter_example ; ; ; ; Testing the environment with ominas_env_info ; ============================================ ; ; OMINAS includes a utilty script that prints out the most commonly relevant about your OMINAS environment, which can be useful for debugging ; (both for yourself, and when you send us questions). It can be run by calling ominas_env_info, from an ominas/ominasde session. If an argument ; is provided, it will be the filename where the output will be saved into (as opposed to printing it to the console). One example:: ; ; ;[user@cmp ~]$ ominas ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ; ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ; ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ; ; ;IDL> ominas_env_info,'~/ominas_env_info.txt' ; ; Which produces:: ; ; ;OMINAS variables: ; ;OMINAS_RC=/home/user/.ominas ; ;OMINAS_DEMO=/home/user/ominas/demo ; ;OMINAS_DIR=/home/user/ominas ; ;OMINAS_DATA=/home/user/ominas_data ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;NV variables: ; ;NV_TRANSLATORS=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/translators.tab:/home/user/ominas/demo/data/translators.tab ; ;NV_CONFIG=/home/user/ominas/config ; ;NV_IO=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/io.tab ; ;NV_SPICE=/home/user/ominas/config/spice ; ;NV_ORBIT_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/orb/ ; ;NV_ARRAY_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/arr/dat/ ; ;NV_TRANSFORMS=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/transforms.tab:/home/user/ominas/demo/data/transforms.tab ; ;NV_STATION_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/stn/ ; ;NV_RING_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/rings/ ; ;NV_FTP_DETECT=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/filetype_detectors.tab ; ;NV_SPICE_KER=::/home/user/ominas/demo/data ; ;NV_INS_DETECT=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/instrument_detectors.tab:/home/user/ominas/demo/data/instrument_detectors.tab ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;ominas_setup.sh: ; ;#!/usr/bin/env bash ; ;alias ominas=~/.ominas/ominas ; ;alias ominasde=~/.ominas/ominasde ; ;export OMINAS_DIR=/home/user/ominas ; ;export OMINAS_DATA=/home/user/ominas_data ; ;export OMINAS_RC=/home/user/.ominas ; ;export DFLAG=true ; ;source /home/user/ominas/config/ominas_env_def.sh ; ;unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA ; ;unset NV_SEDR_DATA ; ;unset NV_TYCHO2_DATA ; ;unset NV_SAO_DATA ; ;unset NV_GSC_DATA ; ;unset NV_UCAC4_DATA ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ;IDL: ; ;** Structure !VERSION, 8 tags, length=104, data length=100: ; ; ARCH STRING 'x86_64' ; ; OS STRING 'linux' ; ; OS_FAMILY STRING 'unix' ; ; OS_NAME STRING 'linux' ; ; RELEASE STRING '8.5.1' ; ; BUILD_DATE STRING 'Nov 14 2015' ; ; MEMORY_BITS INT 64 ; ; FILE_OFFSET_BITS ; ; INT 64 ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;environment IDL_PATH ; ; ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;environment IDL_DLM_PATH ; ; ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;preferences IDL_PATH ; ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/user/ominas_data/idlastro/pro:+/home/user/ominas:+/home/user/ominas/util/xidl:+/home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;preferences IDL_DLM_PATH ; ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ;Icy: ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;** ICY - IDL/CSPICE interface from JPL/NAIF (not loaded) ; ; Version: 1.8.0, Build Date: 05-JAN-2017, Source: ed.wright@jpl.nasa.gov ; ; Path: /home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib/icy.so ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;CSPICE_N0066 ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;0 loaded kernels: ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ;OMINAS repository: ; ;On branch master ; ;Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. ; ;Last commit: ; ;b373f70 Paulo Penteado Wed Jun 14 14:03:42 2017 -0700 ; ; ; Troubleshooting ; =============== ; ; This section outlines several common sources of error which are due to ; OMINAS not being configured correctly. ; ; One of the most common configuration problems manifests as this error:: ; ; % CSPICE_STR2ET: SPICE(NOLEAPSECONDS): [str2et_c->STR2ET->TTRANS] The variable that points to the leapseconds (DELTET/DELTA_AT) ; could not be located in the kernel pool. It is likely that the leapseconds kernel has not been loaded via ; the routine FURNSH. ; ; This error comes from the Icy toolkit. It specifically refers to the Leap ; Second Kernel file, however, as the lsk is usually the first kernel which ; is loaded, this error generally means that no kernels are being loaded. ; ; You can check which kernels have been loaded by entering the following ; IDL commands:: ; ; cspice_ktotal, 'ALL', count ; for i=0,count-1 do begin & cspice_kdata,i,'ALL',file,type,source,handle,found & print,i,file & endfor ; ; A list will be populated with the currently loaded SPICE kernels, and ; their load order. If no kernels are loaded, then it is likely that a bad ; path was supplied to the kernel pools. Ensure that the kernel pool was ; successfully entered into the environemnt by using the "env" command at ; the terminal prompt. The kernel pool variable names follow a convention ; like so: <MIS>_SPICE_<*K>, where <MIS> is the abbreviated mission name, ; and <*K> is the type of kernel. Therefore, for Cassini, the IDL command:: ; ; spawn,"env | grep CAS_SPICE" ; ; will list the path to directories containing each type of Cassini kernel. ; If the variables are not present, the easiest fix might be to run the OMINAS ; installer again ; ; source configure.sh ; ; From the ominas directory. Then, if the Cassini package shows as installed, ; select that option at the menu (4), to uninstall it. You will be presented with ; the possibility of preserving files the OMINAS installer previously downloaded, ; or deleting them. After the uninstallation is complete, you will be returned to ; the installer menu, and Cassini should show as not configured. Then select the Cassini ; option to set it up again. ; ; ; In some cases, a demo script will run and no error will appear to occur, ; but no pointing will be overlayed on the image. This error generally occurs ; due to the PCK kernels not being loaded or the CK kernels not being loaded ; in the correct order. ; ; ; When the frame kernel (FK) is not being loaded correctly for an image, ; Icy will return the following error:: ; ; % CSPICE_PXFORM: SPICE(EMPTYSTRING): [pxform_c] String "from" has length zero. ; ; If Icy is not installed, and a script is run, something similar to the ; following error may occur:: ; ; % Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'CSPICE_STR2ET'. ; ; In general, the undefined procudure may have any cspice prefix. Icy is ; either not configured correctly, or not installed. In IDL, check that ; the Icy path has been added to the IDL path as follows:: ; ; path = pref_get('IDL_PATH') ; print, path ; dlm_path = pref_get('IDL_DLM_PATH') ; print, dlm_path ; ; The path variable should appear as a colon-separated list with ; <IDL_DEFAULT> as the first entry. Check that both Icy and OMINAS ; directories are added to the IDL_PATH, and that Icy is added to the ; IDL_DLM_PATH. If either Icy or OMINAS are not present, the best way to fix ; it probably is to get back into the OMINAS directory and run the configure.sh ; script to uninstall/install the Core, Demo or Icy packages again. ; ;- ;============================================================================== ; pro install_guide print,1 end