OMINAS Documentation

Generated by IDLdoc


User Installation Guide

This guide will cover the installation of OMINAS and common issues with configuration, as well as present some common errors and possible solutions. Please see the section entitled Troubleshooting for more information regarding installation issues with OMINAS.


Currently OMINAS requires IDL 8.2.3 or above, and a bash shell, on Linux or Mac OS.

To process images from a particular mission, that mission's kernels will need to be available. The OMINAS installer can automatically download sets of kernels for several missions (Cassini, Galileo, Voyager, Dawn).

OMINAS makes use of the NAIF Icy Toolkit to process SPICE kernels. The Icy toolkit may optionally be obtained manually from NAIF. However, the installer utility provided with OMINAS can download and compile Icy automatically. Installation of Icy is somewhat platform-dependent, so troubleshooting information can be found in Troubleshooting.


1. Please ensure that OMINAS has been properly downloaded from the Github repository by entering the following command at the terminal:

git clone
A local copy of the OMINAS source will be cloned automatically.

2. Configuration of OMINAS should be performed using the configuration script,, which is located in the top-level ominas directory. This script can be run from the command line with:

3. A prompt will appear asking which packages should be installed. The user should type the numbers of the desired packages separated by spaces. We recomend, at a minimum, setting up packages 1, 2 and 3 (OMINAS Core, Demo and Icy). To automatically download and setup all the packages, use the all option.

4. When setting up an individual kernel or data package (selections 4-13), one can either provide a path for an existing directory containing the required files, or tell the installer to download them.

5. Test the install of OMINAS has been completed correctly by running the the following example scripts:

ominas ominas
6. A successful Icy installation can be tested with the following IDL command from within an OMINAS IDL session:
help, 'icy', /dlm
Some text on the installed version of Icy should be displayed. Additionally, use the following command:
print, cspice_tkvrsn('TOOLKIT')
The version of Icy should be printed. If both of these functions return successfully, then Icy has been installed correctly.

Example installation walkthrough

From a fresh account (that never had OMINAS, Icy or any IDL libraries setup before), for the 3 main packages (Core, Demo and Icy):

;[ominas_test_8@cmp ~]$ git clone ;Cloning into 'ominas'... ;Username for '': ppenteado ;Password for '': ;remote: Counting objects: 13377, done. ;remote: Compressing objects: 100% (85/85), done. ;remote: Total 13377 (delta 51), reused 71 (delta 34), pack-reused 13258 ;Receiving objects: 100% (13377/13377), 200.48 MiB | 8.10 MiB/s, done. ;Resolving deltas: 100% (7628/7628), done. ;Checking connectivity... done. ;Checking out files: 100% (3479/3479), done.
At this point, a copy of OMINAS will be in a newly-created directory called ominas, under the current directory. Note that if a non-empty ominas directory was already present, git would notice it and refuse to download OMINAS into that directory.

Now, getting into the ominas directory and running the installer:

;[ominas_test_8@cmp ~]$ cd ominas/ ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ source ;Detecting .bash_profile... ;.bash_profile detected! ;Detecting .bashrc... ;.bashrc detected! ;Using IDL at /usr/local/bin/idl ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ;Creating ~/.ominas directory ;Creating ~/ominas_data directory ;The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS ;OMINAS files located in /home/ominas_test_8/ominas ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ;% Compiled module: OMINAS_ICY_TEST. ;Icy: Icy not found ;Current OMINAS configuration settings ;Required: ;1) OMINAS Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one ;of the other packages, this will be included. ;Optional packages: ;2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Contains the demo scripts and the data required ;to run then. ;These files are always present (in ominas/demo), ;this option is to set up the environment so that ;the demos can be run. ;3) SPICE Icy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary ;Information Facility,, ;required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files. ; ;Mission Packages: ;Kernels used for each mission's position and ;pointing data. If you do not already have them, ;an option to download them from PDS will be provided. ;If you already have them, you will need to provide ;the path to your kernel files. ;Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional ;data packages) are not required for the missions, they ;already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel ;files they need. ;4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016 ;5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 833 MB as of Dec/2016 ;6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 163 MB as of Dec/2016 ;7) Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Subsetted, about 8 GB as of Jan/2017 ;Data: ;8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 22 GB as of Dec/2016 ;9) SEDR image data . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;10) TYCHO2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked ;11) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 19 MB download, 70 MB unpacked ;12) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;13) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 8.5 GB download ;For more information, see ; ;Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? 1 2 3 ;Settiing OMINAS Core... ;OMINAS requires the NAIF Icy toolkit to process SPICE kernels. ;Would you like to install Icy from the internet now? [y] ; ~/ominas_data/icy.tar.Z ; --localdir=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/ ; ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ;% Compiled module: PP_WGETCL. ;% Compiled module: PP_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS_PARSE. ;% Loaded DLM: URL. ;% Compiled module: PP_WGET__DEFINE. ;util/downloader/ca-bundle.crt ;% Compiled module: PARSE_URL. ;downloading ;% Compiled module: PP_READABLESIZE. ;Content Length: 276.00000 B ;% Compiled module: PP_PARSE_DATE. ;% Compiled module: JULDAY. ;Content Length: 43.669736 MB ;% Compiled module: CALDAT. ;Extracting Icy source files... ;Compiling Icy... ;Icy compiled. Log is at ~/.ominas/icy_make.log ;writing /home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ ;‘/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/’ -> ‘/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ;done with writing /home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ;% Compiled module: OMINAS_PATHS_ADD. ;Checking to see if IDL paths need to be changed... ;% Compiled module: IDLASTRO_DOWNLOAD. ;% Compiled module: ROUTINE_EXISTS. ;There are missing IDLAstro routines. ;Auto installing ;git clone /home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro ;Cloning into '/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro'... ;remote: Counting objects: 1400, done. ;remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done. ;remote: Total 1400 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 1392 ;Receiving objects: 100% (1400/1400), 11.63 MiB | 4.85 MiB/s, done. ;Resolving deltas: 100% (556/556), done. ;Checking connectivity... done. ;IDLAstro path set in preferences: <IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro/pro ;OMINAS paths set in IDL preferences ;Icy path set in IDL preferences ;OMINAS aliase set in /home/ominas_test_8/.bashrc. ;OMINAS aliase set in /home/ominas_test_8/.bash_profile. ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: 5502667. ;Licensed for use by: NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; ;% Compiled module: OMINAS_ICY_TEST. ;% Loaded DLM: ICY. ;Icy: /home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib/ ;Current OMINAS configuration settings ;Required: ;1) OMINAS Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED ;Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one ;of the other packages, this will be included. ;Optional packages: ;2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED ;Contains the demo scripts and the data required ;to run then. ;These files are always present (in ominas/demo), ;this option is to set up the environment so that ;the demos can be run. ;3) SPICE Icy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED ;Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary ;Information Facility,, ;required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files. ; ;Mission Packages: ;Kernels used for each mission's position and ;pointing data. If you do not already have them, ;an option to download them from PDS will be provided. ;If you already have them, you will need to provide ;the path to your kernel files. ;Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional ;data packages) are not required for the missions, they ;already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel ;files they need. ;4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016 ;5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 833 MB as of Dec/2016 ;6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 163 MB as of Dec/2016 ;7) Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;Subsetted, about 8 GB as of Jan/2017 ;Data: ;8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 22 GB as of Dec/2016 ;9) SEDR image data . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;10) TYCHO2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked ;11) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 19 MB download, 70 MB unpacked ;12) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;13) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED ;About 8.5 GB download ;For more information, see ; ;Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? e ;Setup has completed. It is recommended to restart your terminal session before using OMINAS. ;You may want to try some of the tutorials at
At this point, one can run a few tests of the enviroment:
;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ which ominas ;alias ominas='/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas' ;~/.ominas/ominas ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ which ominasde ;alias ominasde='/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominasde' ;~/.ominas/ominasde
Which shows both ominas and ominasde are defined. Use ominas to start and IDL session in which to use OMINAS, and ominasde to start an IDL DE session in which to use OMINAS.

Now, to check on the ominas_setup file, which sets the environment for the OMINAS core and all currently set packages (in this example, only Core, Demo and Icy are set):

;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ cat ~/.ominas/ ;#!/usr/bin/env bash ;alias ominas=~/.ominas/ominas ;alias ominasde=~/.ominas/ominasde ;export OMINAS_DIR=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas ;export DFLAG=true ;source /home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/ ;unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA ;unset NV_SEDR_DATA ;unset NV_TYCHO2_DATA ;unset NV_SAO_DATA ;unset NV_GSC_DATA ;unset NV_UCAC4_DATA
Now, to check that the right environment is see from an OMINAS session:
;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'spawn,"env | grep NV"' ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ;NV_TRANSLATORS=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_CONFIG=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config ;NV_IO=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_SPICE=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/spice ;NV_ORBIT_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/orb/ ;NV_ARRAY_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/arr/dat/ ;NV_TRANSFORMS=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_STATION_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/stn/ ;NV_RING_DATA=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/rings/ ;NV_FTP_DETECT=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_SPICE_KER=::/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/demo/data ;NV_INS_DETECT=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/tab/
Now, to check that the OMINAS paths show up inside an OMINAS IDL session:
;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'print,pref_get("IDL_PATH")' ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro/pro:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas/util/xidl ;[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'print,pref_get("IDL_DLM_PATH")' ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXX ; ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib
With this environment, one can run some demo scripts, such as:
;ominas saturn_example ;ominas jupiter_example

Testing the environment with ominas_env_info

OMINAS includes a utilty script that prints out the most commonly relevant about your OMINAS environment, which can be useful for debugging (both for yourself, and when you send us questions). It can be run by calling ominas_env_info, from an ominas/ominasde session. If an argument is provided, it will be the filename where the output will be saved into (as opposed to printing it to the console). One example:

;[user@cmp ~]$ ominas ;IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. ;Installation number: XXXXXX. ;Licensed for use by: XXXXXX ; ;IDL> ominas_env_info,'~/ominas_env_info.txt'
Which produces:
;OMINAS variables: ;OMINAS_RC=/home/user/.ominas ;OMINAS_DEMO=/home/user/ominas/demo ;OMINAS_DIR=/home/user/ominas ;OMINAS_DATA=/home/user/ominas_data ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;NV variables: ;NV_TRANSLATORS=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_CONFIG=/home/user/ominas/config ;NV_IO=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_SPICE=/home/user/ominas/config/spice ;NV_ORBIT_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/orb/ ;NV_ARRAY_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/arr/dat/ ;NV_TRANSFORMS=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_STATION_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/stn/ ;NV_RING_DATA=/home/user/ominas/config/rings/ ;NV_FTP_DETECT=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/ ;NV_SPICE_KER=::/home/user/ominas/demo/data ;NV_INS_DETECT=/home/user/ominas/config/tab/ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;#!/usr/bin/env bash ;alias ominas=~/.ominas/ominas ;alias ominasde=~/.ominas/ominasde ;export OMINAS_DIR=/home/user/ominas ;export OMINAS_DATA=/home/user/ominas_data ;export OMINAS_RC=/home/user/.ominas ;export DFLAG=true ;source /home/user/ominas/config/ ;unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA ;unset NV_SEDR_DATA ;unset NV_TYCHO2_DATA ;unset NV_SAO_DATA ;unset NV_GSC_DATA ;unset NV_UCAC4_DATA ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;IDL: ;** Structure !VERSION, 8 tags, length=104, data length=100: ; ARCH STRING 'x86_64' ; OS STRING 'linux' ; OS_FAMILY STRING 'unix' ; OS_NAME STRING 'linux' ; RELEASE STRING '8.5.1' ; BUILD_DATE STRING 'Nov 14 2015' ; MEMORY_BITS INT 64 ; FILE_OFFSET_BITS ; INT 64 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;environment IDL_PATH ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;environment IDL_DLM_PATH ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;preferences IDL_PATH ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/user/ominas_data/idlastro/pro:+/home/user/ominas:+/home/user/ominas/util/xidl:+/home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;preferences IDL_DLM_PATH ;<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;Icy: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;** ICY - IDL/CSPICE interface from JPL/NAIF (not loaded) ; Version: 1.8.0, Build Date: 05-JAN-2017, Source: ; Path: /home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib/ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CSPICE_N0066 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0 loaded kernels: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;OMINAS repository: ;On branch master ;Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. ;Last commit: ;b373f70 Paulo Penteado Wed Jun 14 14:03:42 2017 -0700


This section outlines several common sources of error which are due to OMINAS not being configured correctly.

One of the most common configuration problems manifests as this error:

% CSPICE_STR2ET: SPICE(NOLEAPSECONDS): [str2et_c->STR2ET->TTRANS] The variable that points to the leapseconds (DELTET/DELTA_AT) could not be located in the kernel pool. It is likely that the leapseconds kernel has not been loaded via the routine FURNSH.
This error comes from the Icy toolkit. It specifically refers to the Leap Second Kernel file, however, as the lsk is usually the first kernel which is loaded, this error generally means that no kernels are being loaded.

You can check which kernels have been loaded by entering the following IDL commands:

cspice_ktotal, 'ALL', count for i=0,count-1 do begin & cspice_kdata,i,'ALL',file,type,source,handle,found & print,i,file & endfor
A list will be populated with the currently loaded SPICE kernels, and their load order. If no kernels are loaded, then it is likely that a bad path was supplied to the kernel pools. Ensure that the kernel pool was successfully entered into the environemnt by using the "env" command at the terminal prompt. The kernel pool variable names follow a convention like so: <MIS>_SPICE_<*K>, where <MIS> is the abbreviated mission name, and <*K> is the type of kernel. Therefore, for Cassini, the IDL command:
spawn,"env | grep CAS_SPICE"
will list the path to directories containing each type of Cassini kernel. If the variables are not present, the easiest fix might be to run the OMINAS installer again


From the ominas directory. Then, if the Cassini package shows as installed, select that option at the menu (4), to uninstall it. You will be presented with the possibility of preserving files the OMINAS installer previously downloaded, or deleting them. After the uninstallation is complete, you will be returned to the installer menu, and Cassini should show as not configured. Then select the Cassini option to set it up again.

In some cases, a demo script will run and no error will appear to occur, but no pointing will be overlayed on the image. This error generally occurs due to the PCK kernels not being loaded or the CK kernels not being loaded in the correct order.

When the frame kernel (FK) is not being loaded correctly for an image, Icy will return the following error:

% CSPICE_PXFORM: SPICE(EMPTYSTRING): [pxform_c] String "from" has length zero.
If Icy is not installed, and a script is run, something similar to the following error may occur:
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'CSPICE_STR2ET'.
In general, the undefined procudure may have any cspice prefix. Icy is either not configured correctly, or not installed. In IDL, check that the Icy path has been added to the IDL path as follows:
path = pref_get('IDL_PATH') print, path dlm_path = pref_get('IDL_DLM_PATH') print, dlm_path
The path variable should appear as a colon-separated list with <IDL_DEFAULT> as the first entry. Check that both Icy and OMINAS directories are added to the IDL_PATH, and that Icy is added to the IDL_DLM_PATH. If either Icy or OMINAS are not present, the best way to fix it probably is to get back into the OMINAS directory and run the script to uninstall/install the Core, Demo or Icy packages again.


top source install_guide



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